Contact Me
Identifying Bird & Wildlife Sounds
Regarding requests to identify bird calls and other wildlife sounds - as much as I enjoy the challenge of ID'ing sounds, I've been receiving more requests recently than I have time to respond to. If you upload your recording to Xeno-Canto as a 'Mystery Sound' it's likely you will get a response with some helpful comments. I usually browse the xeno-canto.org forum fairly regularly and will comment on ID requests where I can. The other advantage of uploading to xeno-canto.org is your recording is published for others to hear and can become a helpful reference.
For licensing requests, please include as much information as possible regarding how you would like to use the sounds. This could include:
- The duration of the sounds you would like to use
- How many sounds you would like
- A link to your project or work
This makes is easier to get back to you with an accurate quotation. Thanks!
If you have any trouble submitting an enquiry via the contact form, send me a message via Facebook and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.