Andalucian Dawn - Album Cover

Andalucian Dawn

A natural soundscape featuring spring birdsong from the mountains of Andalucia.

Recording Location: Sierra de las Nieves, Spain
Habitat: Mixed oak and pine forest
Duration: 35 minutes (5 tracks)
Year of Release: 2014 © All rights reserved
Download Formats: mp3 & FLAC (48kHZ/24bit)


Andalucian Dawn - Album Cover

Album Description

This recording was made in late spring in the temperate forests of the Sierra de las Nieves, Andalucia, Spain. Much of the understory is in flower with bumblebees buzzing as they collect pollen, and the warm air is full of birdsong.

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Recording Location

Map - Sierra de las Nieves, Spain

Track Listing

1. Early Morning Darkness (6:00)
The album begins in the darkness before dawn. A family of Tawny Owls call before settling down in their daytime roost, and the soft trilling of a Eurasian Nightjar carries through the still morning air. A Fallow Deer sneezes in alarm, and a group of wild boar move across the rocky ground on a nearby slope, their occasional snuffles and snorts betraying their presence. A Woodlark has been singing all through the night and can be heard in the distance, as Common Blackbirds & European Robins start to sing as the dim light slowly brightens.
2. Dawn Chorus (4:48)
As the morning brightens, the birdsong intensifies, with Common Blackbirds and European Robins still taking the lead. The owl family still calls occasionally in the distance.
3. Morning Birdsong (4:28)
The morning sunlight now warms the tops of the trees, and a host of other bird species begin to sing. Blackcaps, Great Tits, Eurasian Wrens, Chaffinch and Greenfinch can all be heard singing and a few bumblebees start to become active collecting pollen from the spring flowers.
4. Blackcap Singing (11:35)
This track captures the sweet melodic song of the Blackcap. Greenfinches, European Serins and Wood Pigeons can also be heard. Towards the end of the track woodpeckers can be heard drumming from a nearby wood.
5. Woodpeckers in the Forest (8:18)
Both Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers can be heard calling and drumming, and a Blackcap continues to sing sweetly throughout the morning.

Bird species heard on this album include:

Tawny Owl, Eurasian Nightjar, Woodlark, Common Blackbird, European Robin, Blackcaps, Great Tit, Eurasian Wren, Chaffinch, Greenfinch, European Serin, Wood Pigeon, Green & Great Spotted Woodpecker.

Photos from the Recording Location