Himalayan Stream - Album Cover

Himalayan Stream

A pristine flowing stream with background birdsong recorded high in Nepal’s Himalayas.

Recording Location: Langtang NP, Nepal
Habitat: Alpine meadow
Duration: 30 minutes (4 tracks)
Year of Release: 2015 © All rights reserved
Download Formats: mp3 & FLAC (48kHZ/24bit)


Himalayan Stream - Album Cover

Album Description

Recorded just below the tree-line in Langtang National Park, this album captures the sounds of an alpine stream in spring, with birdsong from the surrounding rhododendron & oak forests.

Each track on the album features the sounds of water flowing in the stream with birdsong, insects and frogs mainly in the background. With the natural ‘white-noise’ from the rushing stream, this album is ideal for noise-masking, as a sleeping aid, and for sufferers of tinnitus.

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Recording Location

Map - Langtang region, Nepal

Track Listing

Track 1 (6:56)
Each track on this album was recorded at the same location and features the foreground sound of crystal clear, (almost freezing!) water flowing down an idyllic stream deep inside Langtang National Park. In this first track a White-browed Bush Robin sings cheerfully from a nearby shrub along with a more distant White-collared Blackbird. Rufous-vented Tit and other small passerines flit about in the streamside vegetation.
Track 2 (9:56)
In this second track, the pleasant calls of Collared Grosbeaks reverberate in the distance while White-collared Blackbird & Himalayan Bluetail sing closer by.
Track 3 (8:20)
Bird species heard on track three include Rufous-vented Tit, White-collared Blackbird & Himalayan Bluetail.
Track Four (5:30)
On this final track, the mournful whistle of a Hill Partridge carries through the cool mountain air. A Large-billed Crow calls as it flies overhead, and a variety of smaller birds are active, making the most of the remaining daylight as the sun drops toward the horizon.

Bird species heard on this album include:

Hill partridge, Himalayan Bluetail, White-browed Bush Robin, Rufous-gorgeted Flycatcher, White-collared Blackbird, Collared Grosbeak, White-winged Grosbeak & Large-billed Crow.

Photos from the Recording Location