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At about 50cm long, Glossy Black Cockatoos (Calyptorhynchus lathami) are the smallest of the five black-cockatoo species, but have one of the most formidable beaks of any bird. Click, crack, crack, the male Glossy Black in front of me carefully rotated an Allocasuarina cone with his foot, the massive bill delicately clipping each seed and extracting the tiny kernel. Occasionally, he would make a soft creaky call which was strangely beautiful amongst the constant crackles of the group.
Sadly, the sounds of Glossy Black’s are being heard less often due to destruction of their preferred food source (allo-casuarina) and nesting trees (mature eucalypt with hollows). Their population has declined, with local extinctions and range contractions.
It was a wonderful experience to sit amongst these birds and record the sound of their feeding. This single track album is the result.
You can also read about conservation efforts aimed at helping Glossy Black Cockatoos on the The Glossy Black Conservancy website