Snow Gum Forest - Album Cover

Snow Gum Forest

A nature soundscape from the sub-alpine snow gum forests of the Blue Mountains.

Recording Location: Kanangra-Boyd NP, Australia
Habitat: Dry eucalypt woodland
Duration: 28 minutes (3 tracks)
Year of Release: 2013 © All rights reserved
Download Formats: mp3 & FLAC (48kHZ/24bit)


Snow Gum Forest - Album Cover

Album Description

Less than 100km from Sydney, the highlands of Kanangra-Boyd National Park seem a world away. This vast area of wilderness is less visited than the nearby Blue Mountains National Park, but its stunning gorges and alpine plateaus are equally beautiful. Swampy peat bogs and snow gum woodland are features of this highland region, and these specialised habitats play a vital role in the water cycle. The peat acts as a huge spongy reservoir, slowly releasing crystal clear, naturally filtered water into the creeks and rivers which eventually feed into Sydney’s water supply. Birds, mammals and frogs all thrive in this protected area, and this album features three distinct soundscapes recorded over the period of a day in the reserve.

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Recording Location

Map - Kanangra-Boyd NP, Australia

Track Listing

1. Snow Gum Forest (11:04)
In the cool upland forests of snow gum and mallee, a gentle soundscape of birdsong, frogs and insects can be heard, even in mid-winter. In this track the chopping calls and soft trills of White-eared Honeyeater are prominent. Other species heard include Gang-gang Cockatoo, Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo, Grey Shrike Thrush, Red-browed & White-throated Treecreepers, Red Wattlebird and Spotted Pardalote. Bibron’s Toadlets call occasionally from the swampy undergrowth. At 08:30 a Red-necked Wallaby can be heard briefly hopping by the microphones!
2. Highland Stream (14:32)
Recorded beside a clear stream flowing through the damp highland forest. Birdsong from the surrounding forest includes the calls of Red Wattlebird, White-eared Honeyeater, Bassian Thrush, Striated Thornbill, Eastern Yellow Robin & Australian Raven.
3. By the Frog Pond (2:33)
Recorded just after dark by a small pond in grassy open forest, the main species calling are Bibron’s Toadlet (Pseudophryne bibronii), Common Eastern Froglet (Crinia signifera) and Verreaux’s Tree Frog (Litoria verreauxii).

Bird species heard on this album include:

Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos, Gang-gang Cockatoo, Grey Shrike Thrush, Rufous Whistler, Grey Fantail, Striated Thornbill, White-browed Scrubwren, White-throated & Red-browed Treecreepers, Yellow-faced and White-eared Honeyeaters, Eastern Spinebill, Red Wattlebird, Eastern Yellow Robin, Bassian Thrush, Spotted & Striated Pardalote, Pied Currawong and Australian Raven.

Photos from the Recording Location