Sound Recording Trip to Sweden

Sound Recording Trip to Sweden

Sound Recording Trip to Sweden In late May/early June 2022 I spent a couple of weeks recording the sounds of wetlands and forests in Sweden. The trip began in the forests and lakes of Dalarna County, after that I headed north to the barren plains of Flatruet and...
Upland Rainforest Morning – Far North Queensland

Upland Rainforest Morning – Far North Queensland

Just back from a trip to Far North Queensland to record sounds as the rainy season begins. This part of Australia is particularly rich in wildlife diversity, mostly due to the variety of different habitats you can find in a relatively small area. For example: lowland...
A Visit to Thung Yai Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand

A Visit to Thung Yai Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand

A belated trip report from a visit to Thung Yai in December 2017! Thung Yai Naresuan Wildlife Sanctuary had been on my wishlist of places to visit for some time. After several enjoyable trips to the neighbouring Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary, I wanted to explore...
Tangkoko Cicadas

Tangkoko Cicadas

In the heat of the day, the natural sounds of the rainforest in Tangkoko Nature Reserve can be deafening! In this sample you can hear at least three cicada species calling, along with the sounds of Green Imperial Pigeon, Hair-crested Drongo, Black-naped Oriole &...
Mystery Night Sound – Ulu Muda, Malaysia

Mystery Night Sound – Ulu Muda, Malaysia

Recorded around midnight on remote microphones left in primary rainforest along the banks of the Sungai Muda river. The sound appears to come from at least two individuals close to the microphones (one to the left and another in front or above) and at least two more...
Dewdrops in Fiji’s Rainforest

Dewdrops in Fiji’s Rainforest

During a brief visit to Viti Levu, Fiji, I had the chance to visit some remnant rainforest in the Colo-i-Suva Forest Park. This reserve is one of the few remaining areas of healthy rainforest, most having been cleared over the past century for agriculture. Being so...
Spring in the Andalucian Mountains

Spring in the Andalucian Mountains

Recorded in pinsapo (Spanish fir) forest in the Sierra de las Nieves National Park, near Ronda Spain. The birdlife was particularly active this cool spring morning, with many species moving around close by the microphones. You can here some very light rain blow in...