Spotted Hyena
Sounds & Calls
The Spotted Hyena (Crocuta crocuta) is the largest of four extant species of hyena and is found throughout much of sub-Saharan Africa. Spotted Hyenas live in hierarchial clans which are almost always female dominated. Clans sizes can be large and number up to 130 individuals. This species communicates using both body language and a range of vocalizations.
What does a hyena sound like? Spotted Hyenas are famous for their laughing calls, but they also make a variety of other sounds including loud drawn-out whoops, lowing calls, growls, grunts and squeals. The far-carrying whooping calls can be heard up to five kilometres away and these sounds are thought to serve a number of functions including recruitment and coordination of clan mates. The unique laughing, giggling calls are not given because the animal is happy! These sounds are usually made when a hyena is in an excited or nervous state such as when being chased or attacked while squabbling over a kill.
Listen to some examples of hyena calls and sounds below.
Listen to Spotted Hyena Sounds
The audio in the video below features the far-carrying whoops of a Spotted Hyena. These calls are an evocative sound of the African bush at night. This is an audio composition of four recording made in both Manyeleti Game Reserve, South Africa and Northern Tuli Game Reserve, Botswana.
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Other African Wildlife Sounds
- Baboon, Chacma (Papio ursinus)
- Bat, Epauletted Fruit (Epomophorus sp.)
- Bushbaby (Galago & Otolemur)
- Bushbuck, Cape (Tragelaphus sylvaticus)
- Eland, Common (Taurotragus oryx)
- Elephant, African Bush (Loxodonta africana)
- Fox, Bat-eared (Otocyon megalotis)
- Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius)
- Hyena, Spotted (Crocuta crocuta)
- Hyrax, Rock (Procavia capensis)
- Impala (Aepyceros melampus)
- Jackal, Black-backed (Lupulella mesomelas)
- Jackal, Side-striped (Lupulella adusta)
- Kudu, Greater (Tragelaphus strepsiceros)
- Leopard (Panthera pardus)
- Lion (Panthera leo)
- Monkey, Vervet (Chlorocebus pygerythrus)
- Pig, Bush (Potamochoerus larvatus)
- Puku (Kobus vardonii)
- Rhinoceros, White (Ceratotherium simum)
- Squirrel, Smith's Bush (Paraxerus cepapi)