Yellow-bellied Glider
Sounds & Calls
The Yellow-bellied Glider (Petaurus australis) is a medium-sized gliding possum found in parts of eastern Australia.
I’m sure the call of the Yellow-bellied Glider has unnerved many a camper in the Australian bush. This species has a range of fantastic vocalizations including shrieks, rattles and gurgles – the typical call starts with a soft hoot, is followed with a loud shriek which leads into a gurgling, throaty rattle – it sounds to me like some poor creature being strangled and shaken!
Listen to Yellow-bellied Glider Sounds
In the following video, you can hear can hear a range of calls and even the sound of a Yellow-bellied Glider gliding in and landing on a tree and then scrambling up the tree trunk (from 1:17 – Listen with headphones to appreciate the stereo effect). In the second half of the video, in the background, the deep hoots of a pair of Powerful Owls (Ninox strenua) reverberate through the forest.
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Mammal Sounds
Mammal sounds from the Australian bush: