Great Tit
Song & Calls
Great Tits are a very vocal species and can be heard year round. They make a range of different sounds . Males of the species are particularly vocal and have a wide repertoire of up to 40 distinct notes. Their sweet chiming songs often consists of two-note repeated phrases eg. ‘tea-cher, tea-cher!’. Occasionally three note versions of the song are given. Great Tits also make a range of other sounds, including sharp whistles and Chaffinch-like ‘pinks’. They also make harsher chatterings and scolding calls.
Listen to Great Tit Sounds
The audio in the video below was recorded in spring in a woodland in the Sierra de las Nieves, Andalucia, Spain and features several variations of the song of the Great Tit in the foreground, along with a variety of other species heard in the background. The common name for this species in Spanish is El Carbonero Común.
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Other European Bird Calls
Some other bird sounds from Europe & the UK: